Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

Friday, September 23 from 4:30-6:30

September is National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Come celebrate with us! We will have food and music as well as history behind Hispanic Heritage Month in Colorado.

Spirit Week-Sept. 26-Sept. 30

Sept. 26-Decade Day
Sept. 27-Twin Day
Sept. 28-Character Day
Sept. 29-Backwards Day
Sept. 30-Stuffed Animal Day


Homecoming will take place Sept. 30 from 7:00pm-10:00pm in the ECA Cafeteria. This will be for students in grades 9-12 only.

Ticket Prices:
$25/single, $30/couple and $35 for each person if purchased at the door.

Guests from other schools will need to complete a Dance Guest Permission Slip which can be picked up at the receptionists desk.

No School for Students-Sept. 5 and Sept. 6

No school on September 5 in observance of Labor Day

No school on September 6 due to Teacher Professional Development